Greater Than No Sleep Gin is a bold and adventurous gin that marries two beloved worlds: gin and coffee. This unique gin is the product of a collaboration between Nao Spirits, makers of the popular Greater Than Gin, and Sleepy Owl Coffee, a pioneer in the Indian cold brew scene. Together, they’ve crafted India’s first coffee-infused gin, offering a delightful fusion that promises to intrigue both gin enthusiasts and coffee lovers alike.
Nose The aroma is inviting with the unmistakable scent of freshly brewed coffee, underpinned by a bright burst of red cherries. The coffee notes are bold, yet balanced by a subtle hint of juniper, providing a complex and intriguing start.
Palate On the palate, this gin reveals a rich and layered profile. It opens with a smooth wave of salted caramel, delivering a comforting sweetness that is quickly contrasted by the spiciness of pink peppercorns. The gin’s complexity is further enhanced by the botanicals—lemongrass adds a zesty citrus kick, while angelica root and coriander provide earthiness, and fennel offers a slight aniseed flavor. The interplay between the coffee and these traditional gin botanicals creates a harmonious and multifaceted taste experience.
Finish The finish is long and lingering, with the coffee and spice notes gradually giving way to a gentle warmth. The pink peppercorns add a final touch of heat, leaving a lasting impression of this gin’s distinctive character.
Suggested Cocktails
Greater Than No Sleep Gin shines in a variety of cocktails. It is superb in a Negroni, where the coffee infusion adds depth to the classic bitterness of the drink. An Espresso Martini made with this gin is a revelation, as the gin’s own coffee notes complement the cocktail perfectly. For a more straightforward serve, try it with tonic water and an orange wedge to highlight the gin’s citrus and coffee notes.
Overall Rating
Greater Than No Sleep Gin is an innovative and well-executed experiment in flavor. It pushes the boundaries of what gin can be, offering a unique and memorable drinking experience. Whether you’re a fan of coffee, gin, or both, this is a must-try spirit that is sure to impress.