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7 Halloween Cocktail Garnishes

Let’s be honest. There are hundreds of Halloween cocktails and garnishes, all of which are getting better and better with each year that passes. We for once thought, what might be a great way to combine classic gin cocktails, with simple Halloween garnishes requiring only a few ingredients that can be easily found in grocery and specialty stores. The results, seven Halloween cocktail garnishes that will keep your guests screaming for more.

1. Bloody Eye:
Nothing says Halloween more than a bloody eye. The simple garnish requires only 3 ingredients. Lychees, which can be fresh or canned. We personally found canned to be simpler to use. Blueberries, fresh to be able to get the full effect, and red edible gel. We used cookie decorating gel, but any get food coloring will do.

To make the garnish, gather your ingredients and have them ready by your side. Start by cutting the blueberries in half. Into each lychee add a drop of gel coloring and insert the cut blueberry into the opening. Put a skewer through both the lychee and blueberry to keep it from falling and add into your cocktail of choice. Clear and red cocktails help enhance the the look the most.

Bloody Eye Cocktail Garnish - Halloween
2. Black Glass:
The sophisticated garnish is here to truly add a blast of dark sparkle to any Halloween party. Dip or brush the side of the glass with honey, try to make it a thin layer to stop the honey from dripping down the sides of the glass. Dip into the black sprinkles and dust off any excess amount. Pour in your favorite cocktail and enjoy.

If you find that the honey is dripping, put the glass in the freezer or fridge for a few minutes. This will harden the honey in place and stop the dripping.

Balck Glitter Glass - Halloween
3. Orange Jack-o-lantern:
We do love a classic cocktail, and a Negroni is the perfect Halloween color. So we combined together our love for the Negroni with our love for Halloween that resulted in a Halloween-approved gin cocktail.

Instead of just any regular orange twist on this drink, cut out a simple jack-o-lanthern using a small, sharp knife. Garnish by either pocking it on a skewer or simply drop into the cocktail.

Jack-o-lantern Negroni - Halloween
4. Black Tuile:
We did say, these are simply garnishes, but to be fully honest, this specific one requires a bit more steps. But to our defense, it is beautiful and truly worth the process.

For the ingredients you will need:
1 Tablespoon All Purpose Flour
1 Teaspoon Sugar
2 Ounces Water
2 Tablespoons Activated Black Charcoal

Whisk all of the ingredients until fully combined. Heat a bit of oil on a small frying pan. Add in just a bit of the mixtures and cook on low heat. Bubbles will start to form on their own, and please don’t be alarmed if a bit of oil splatters. There is no need to flip or do anything more. Once the mixture is cooked remove from the heat using a spatula and allow to fully cool down. Once cooled the mixtures will be hard and can be added on top of your cocktail of choice.

Balck Tuile Garnish - Halloween
5. Green Google Eyes:
We are going back to keeping it as simple as possible. It will not be Halloween without some monsters eye. To ensure all ingredients are edible, we opted-in to sugar based googly eyes. These can be found in most Halloween and cake decorating stores and come in different sizes and shapes. Simple add in a couple to your drink of choice and sip away.

We do want to mention since these are all edibles, they do disintegrate when touched by liquid, we recommend adding them to the cocktail right before sipping. Although the amount does not alter the flavor of the drink.

Green Goggly Eyes Garnish - Halloween
6. Spider on a Lemon:
It is a known fact that Witch brews and potions always require some spiders. Well, to be honest, it is a fact we just made up, but it is Halloween after all, so let’s just go with it. But, on a more serious note, spiders are scary creatures that can put the spooky feeling in anyone, so why not add it to a cocktail and scare your guests.

This simple garnish requires lemon wheels and spider rings. These can be the ones used for kids customs or cupcake toppers. Cut a thin slice of lemon wheel and make a small slit at the bottom that will go onto the glass. Add the spider ring around half the wheel and slide onto the glass.

Spider on a Lemon garnish - Halloween
7. Red Crown:
The Red Queen reign is here, and with it comes her crown. All you need is a piece of strawberry cut into a crown shape and a bit of gold glitter dust to bring it all together. Top a red gin cocktail and watch the soldiers come stomping in. Simple, classy, and effective.

Red Crown out of Strawebrry - Halloween
Looking to combine your Halloween garnish with the perfect gin brand. Check out our full directory of brands from around the world.

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