Tyree gin comes from the small Scottish island of Tiree, which is part of the Inner Hebrides islands. If you were to Google Maps the island it would look like a small teardrop that’s floating away from the rest of the mainland. It’s this location that gives the gin a cool breath of fresh air. The botanicals used with the gin include locally harvested ladies bedstraw, eyebright, angelica, water mint, plus kelp. You’ll truly be drinking Scotland with this gin. If you’re like most of us you probably don’t know what ladies bedstraw or eyebright tastes like. That makes sampling Tyree the perfect opportunity to do so!
Pairs Well With
The grin has a crisp, cold taste to it, even when it’s served at room temperature. It’s great with relaxing after a hard day of work, kicking your shoes off, and enjoying a comfort pot pie or anything else that puts a smile on your face.